Raised Voices: Local Artists Resist!
“Raised Voices” was conceived by Jackie Abrams in August, 2017, as a way out of a personal depression brought about by the enactment of policies by the recently voted-in Trump administration. She sought to find other artists with a similar need and vision.
Eventually an ad-hoc group of five artists, with resonant political and social ideals was formed with the idea of reaching out to other artists in the area, to give voice to their distress. It is made up of Jackie Abrams, Kay Curtis (whose art graces the poster), Kris McDermet, Petra Mitchell, and Arlene Distler.
The group was committed to bringing artists of all stripes together around social and political protest––to give a platform for the expression of “hope, outrage, and vision” as the call for entries read, through an art show and reception.
Rarely have artists had access to the seats of power, and yet so often creativity is just what is needed. But first one must call out what is shortsighted, fear-based, and without compassion.
It was felt sharing the artwork with the community would enable artists and viewers alike to feel less isolated and, by raising money for organizations that have been attacked and under duress this past year and a half, to feel less helpless. Those organizations we chose are: the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Vermont, Planned Parenthood of Northern New England – Brattleboro, and the Vermont Workers’ Center.
The disturbing times we are in demand engagement. “Raised Voices” is our invitation to the arts community to be engaged and empowered. And by being so to raise the decibel of public discourse for us all.