This series of work was inspired by the Brattleboro Parade dedicated to the life of Jonas Fricke which filled our town on April 16, 2023. All participants were dressed to imitate the unique exuberance and play Jonas had brought to his own costuming. Bread and Puppet provided giant handmade puppets in appreciation for all Jonas had been for them. It was a sight and sound I will never forget.
We were and still are, touched, moved and inspired by who Jonas was and how being in his presence motivated others to rethink their priorities in this brief time we have on the planet. “NOW NOW NOW.”
HARMONY COLLECTIVE will always be grateful for the direction he steered us toward early on when we had not yet found our path. This set of paintings is not finished. It has just begun. I continue to process the contribution Jonas was for the world. The friends he touched are finding their own ways to integrate all he taught us into their own lives now that he is somewhere else. You can rest now Jonas, you did it!